A Tea Taster is paid for his sense of taste !

Indian Tea Estates are located in Assam and Kerala
Indian Tea Estates are located in Assam and Kerala

We all have a strong desire for a hot cup of tea as soon as we get up in the morning.The good flavor of the tea refreshes our body and soul all through the day.We never care think about the type and the quality of tea.Have you heard about tea tasters ? They are the professional people who analyze the different types of tea flavors found across the world and provide their views about the best quality for production.Tea is the most popular beverage in the world , so , there is a huge demand of tea tasters all around the world.Provided , you have an interest in this field , if you have a background in home science , biology , agriculture or horticulture the job of tea taster may be your cup of tea !

Development in Tea industry

Indian Tea Estates are located in Assam and Kerala

India stands only next to China in the top tea producing countries.There are other countries like Sri Lanka , Vietnam , Kenya and Turkey who also produce export quality tea.There is a rapid growth in this industry with more brands coming with new flavors and type.India exports tea across many parts of the world and there is an increasing craze for Indian tea.You can experience that the list of tea types in the hotels menu is expanding these days.There seems to be a new trend in hospitality sector regarding this kind of requirement.As a developing industry , there is greater scope of opportunities in this field , apart from the chance to interact with diverse cultures.All these factors make good job prospectus in the field of tea tasting.

Job Description of a Tea taster

It may seem to be an unusual career option but as a tea taster , you need to taste different types of tea and find what makes them distinct.On the job you will need to visit remote plantations, researching and learning about tea.This helps restaurants , hotels and companies provide their customers best quality of tea.In India , tea industry is spread across states like Assam and Kerala.With the increasing growth in this industry there is a rise in the demand for tea tasters in foreign tea manufacturing companies as well.

A Tea Tester Salary

In the field of tea testing you can start your career with Rs 20,000 to Rs 25,000 a month.There is lucrative salary in tea tasting as Tea Sommelier in five star hotels where you can start your career with Rs 50K (Indian) salary.The salary increases with experience and your essential skills like sharp taste and smell senses.

Skill requirements in Tea Tasting

A Tea taster on the job !

You need to have a strong knowledge of preparation , processing , minute details and history of the tea.There is a high importance of decision making in this career.A tea taster should have the understanding of quality and how to test the quality.Communication skill is also important and you should be aware of tea market and the emerging market trends and forces.Tasting hundreds of cups of tea may seem to be a boring stuff especially when you need to pick the value out of hundreds.You need to have a sharp enough memory to recall the details about taste and preparation for as long as five years ago !

Point of Start

There is no formal degree to become a tea taster.There are however , some certificate courses which helps you understand tea testing techniques and scientific knowledge.These courses generally span from 3 months certificate course to 1 year diploma.The experience of working in a tea estate make come handy for the aspirants.There would be a better understanding of this field if you already have a degree in food sciences,horticulture,agriculture or botany.

Top Tea Tasting Institutes in India

Tea Tasting Institutes offer short term certificateand diploma courses in India

  • Darjeeling Tea Research and Management Association.(nitm.in)
  • University of North Bengal,Darjeeling.(nbu.ac.in)
  • Birla Institute of Futuristic studies , Kolkata (bifsmgmt.org)
  • Indian Institute of Plantation Management , Bangalore (iipmb.edu.in)