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Best crystals for psychic attacks | Types and Uses

Know ! The Best crystals for psychic protection

Psychic attacks can be incredibly draining and overwhelming experiences that can leave a person feeling vulnerable and unbalanced. Crystals have been used for centuries as a way to protect against negative energies and promote healing, and there are many different types of crystals that are particularly effective at guarding against psychic attacks. In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the best crystals for psychic attacks and how to use them for maximum benefit.

Common types of crystals for psychic protection

There are a few crystals that are particularly effective at protecting against psychic attacks. Here are some of the most common types:

By incorporating these crystals into your daily routine, you can help to create a protective shield against negative energies and promote a sense of peace and balance in your life.

Other crystals for psychic protection

In addition to the common types of crystals mentioned earlier, there are several other crystals that can be effective at protecting against psychic attacks. Here are a few examples:

All of these crystals can be used in a similar way to the common types of crystals mentioned earlier, and can be incorporated into your daily routine for maximum benefit.

How to use crystals for psychic protection

There are many different ways to use crystals for psychic protection, and the method you choose will depend on your personal preferences and the type of crystal you are working with. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

No matter how you choose to use your crystals for psychic protection, it’s important to set your intentions and focus your mind on the positive benefits of the crystal. By doing so, you can amplify its effects and create a powerful shield against negative energies.


Psychic attacks can be a draining and overwhelming experience, but fortunately, there are many tools available to protect against them. Crystals have been used for centuries to promote healing and protection, and there are many different types of crystals that can be particularly effective at guarding against psychic attacks. With the right crystals and the right mindset, you can protect yourself against psychic attacks and feel empowered to navigate the ups and downs of life with confidence and grace.

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